Make Profit out of using Discount Card!
I've come across business opportunities today and have stumbled upon to this Discount Card MyWorldPlus.
With hundreds of companies they have affiliated I thought that this would be helpful to us and along with your Discount benefit comes with a Profit I would say you'd better take a look on this.
Membership Options:
Option 1: Sign up as Member and take advantage of the Awesome Products
$19.95 Monthly Membership plus one time $45.00 sign up fee
You will receive:
* Receive Full Member access to thousands of dollars worth of the most powerful money saving and cash back rewards in the world!
* Get your own personalized MyWorldPLUS membership card to save money at over 175,000 retail stores around the world!
* Earn cash back rewards for shopping at over 600 online stores!
* Upgrade to Associate anytime for just a one time upgrade fee of $5 and earn even more money by sharing the awesome products with others!
Option 2: Sign up as an Associate
$9.95 Monthly Membership
You will receive:
* Earn income in the compensation plan only by selling the products to others
* No access to the thousands of dollars worth discounts and rewards
* Any sales from the cash back shopping go to your upline
* No access to powerline or marketing tools
Option 3: Maximize your earnings and sign up as BOTH a Member AND an Associate - BEST VALUE
$19.95 Monthly Membership plus one time $50.00 sign up fee
You will receive:
* Receive Full Member access to thousands of dollars worth of the most powerful money saving and cash back rewards in the world!
* Get your own personalized MyWorldPLUS membership card to save money at over 175,000 retail stores around the world!
* Earn cash back rewards for shopping at over 600 online stores!
* Qualify to participate in our compensation plan and earn income infinite levels deep!
Business Opportunity:
With MyWorldPLUS, not only do you have FULL ACCESS to hundreds of dollars worth of savings every single month, but you also have full retail rights to our awesome products! And to reward you for sharing the products with others, we reward you with an unprecedented FOUR GENERATIONS OF RETAIL BONUSES!
That means each time you share the great products with others and they take advantage of our membership for just $19.95 per month, YOU will earn a $25 Retail Bonus the very next week!
What's even more exciting is that as those people share the products with others, they will earn the $25 Retail Bonus, and YOU will get an additional $8 override on any sales that they make!
And as if that weren't enough, we even pay out on TWO more generation of sales! You'll receive an additional $5 for all of your THIRD generation sales, AND an additional $3 for all of your FOURTH generation sales!
Retail Bonuses are paid out each Thursday for the previous week's volume!
MyWorldPLUS was designed to put more money in people's pockets every month. So as members pay their monthly membership fees to maintain their awesome savings, you can earn even more!
In fact our associates receive a minimum of 5 levels of commissions every month. Check out the chart below to see how you can earn!
On top of the 5 levels of compensation, you can earn up to 18% of every member's order in your entire organization beyond your 5 th level every month!
The MyWorldPLUS Infinity Bonuses are designed to reward associates for helping their team. Infinity bonuses are paid down to the next qualified associate. So if you are a 3 Star associate and there is a 1 Star associate on your 10 th level for example, you would receive 10% from levels 6 through 10, at which point the 1 Star below you would receive 3% below that while you would earn the difference between the 10% and the 3% which means you would earn 7% below that!
A POWERFUL way to put more money in your pocket every month!
Because our compensation program is so powerful, and because with the incredible value in our products, it is so easy to share the opportunity, the shear duplication alone helps members achieve higher ranks very quickly!
So to prevent you from being blocked out of valuable commissions, our compensation program pays out an additional 9 generations in generational bonuses on TOP of the HUGE infinity bonuses!
So if you are a 4 Star associate and a member below you in your team achieves 4 Star status, rather than blocking you out of any commissions below that level in that leg, you will earn an additional 3% override on all volume below that member and still receive the 14% on all other volume in your organization!
Every month, an entire 10% of all company volume is split amongst all members who achieve ranks. This total amount is split as follows:
Some Selected Companies for you to use your MWP Discount Card:
Some highlighted Companies that you can go for a "Cash Back Shopping":
Earn up to 20% cash back at any of over 600 online stores, including Target,Sears, Macy's and MORE!
In fact, not only will you earn cash back on all of your online purchases, but you will also have your own website where you'll be able to send others to check out great online deals. And anything they purchase through your website, YOU will earn cash back on THEIR purchases as well!
Saving Leaderboard from MWP members:
Click here to view the affiliated companies
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