5 Steps on how you can Advertise on this website for FREE!
Need to advertise your business for FREE?
Here is a detailed step-by-step instruction on how you can take advantage of this FREE Advertisement Offer on this website.
Step 1:
Register as a Contributor on this blog by clicking this link: Register as a Contributor!
You will be redirected to a page similar to this screenshot below.
Fill in the required details and when your done click the "Register" button.
Once completed check your email with subject line of "[Prime Marketers] Your username and password"
Step 2:
Try to login your account details and see if it works http://primemarketers.com/wp-login.php
If log-in is successfull you will be redirected to your dashboard as pictured below if not then you have to check if you have registered successfully.
Step 3:
On your Dashboard screen hit the "New Post" button located on the upper part of your screen before the "Howdy, [Name] | Turbo | Log Out"
After clicking the link you will be redirected to the page same as pictured below.
Step 4:
Start Posting your business details by filling up the required fields. Title and Business Details.
Add your Ad Tags. You can also choose most used tags in Post Tags or create your own.
Choose what category fits best for your business. If none just leave it by default and the Admin will do it for you.
See picture below for details.
For other fields you can have it filled up or have it left blank by default.
Note: Please take note that the minimum requirement of your business details should contain at least 400 words. Not meeting the requirement would result to not posting your Ads. See picture below on how to check for word count.
Step 5:
When you are done click "Submit for Review" button located on the right side of your screen, just above the Post Tags as pictured here.
* You can also check your post as to the look and feel when it is published by clicking the "Preview" button above the "Submit for Review" button above.
* Admin will Review your post and in no time will be scheduled to have it posted on this website.
And You are Finished! Well Done!
Hope this step-by-step instructions on how you can Advertise on my website FREE! would help.
Lyndon Dave Ardimer
Admin - Founder
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